Sunday, February 28, 2010

More snowshoeing

This morning we woke up to this wonderful view behind our house. It was a very wet and heavy snow that stuck to everything it touched. Yippy- More snowshoeing!

Nick and the boys went out first to see if we would be able to walk in it. Nick was already tired from cleaning the driveway and deck of snow but he wanted to go snowshoeing!

So we went- I won't bore with with more of those pictures- just refer to previous postings for that :) But I had to share this.....

This is Boomer after snowshoeing on an average day

Not bad right?
Well the snow stuck to everything remember? And this is Boomer in the middle of our walk today.
We stopped three times during our walk so I could break the snowballs off of him and I still had to use my hairdryer on him when we got back home. Poor puppy- With all that snow he could barely lift his legs to walk. Junior did just fine though!

Have Boomer and Maxwell become friends?

Well, sometimes they play nice.
And other times Boomer thinks Maxwell is a chew toy, which appears to make Maxwell a bit angry.

Guess everybody can't get along all of the time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

snowshoeing with the dogs

Junior took the time to show Boomer the basics of snowshoeing with us. Boomer caught on quickly and really enjoyed being free to run. Without a leash he didn't go too far ahead before turing to make sure that we were coming. By the time we got back to the house Boomer's fur was full of small snowballs. He slept well that night!

Update on our new addition to the family

Boomer has quickly become a loved addition to our family (although Smokie may diagree with that statement). Boomer has been to the vets and has a clear bill of health. He had his puppy vasectomy (we don't use the "N" word with Boomer) about 2 weeks after we got him and has healed well from that little procedure.

Smokie prefers to be far away from Boomer. That is because Boomer thinks Smokie is a chew toy. We put a baby gate up so Smokie has a choice as to if he hangs out with Boomer or not. He was here first, ya' know? Smokie has totally blamed me for this new addition to our family. It has now been about 3 1/2 weeks and Smokie is now letting me pet him again- talk about CATTITUDE. He is not a very forgiving kitty!

Junior has been more forgiving though and usually plays with Boomer. When Boomer first got her Junior made sure that it was clear who the boss was. Why wasn't my name on that list anyway? Whenever Junior is tired of playing with Boomer he lays down just outside of his reach. Smart dog! I think Junior actually enjoys when Boomer is outside with him though. They have fun playing together.