Hmmm, I mean WE want to ride our bicycle, WE want to ride our bike. Nick and I had a moment of "lets just get one" so we did and it is so much fun and good exercise too. It is a 21 speed Shimano. We added the fenders and bike rack to it so we would look really COOL! Nick and I rode our tandem bike around the 2.6 mile block that I normally walk- it was harder than walking, that's for sure. But quicker too! With Nick in front and controlling the ride it was hard for me to get used to having no control as to where the bike was going and when to pedal or not (we have to work on our bike communication) but I think we will have lots of fun with this and everyone is welcome to try it out. So come on over so we can go for a ride! Expect more pictures- maybe some of them will have us in them too. LOL!