Saturday, May 15, 2010

Boomer- Is that you?

Well- Does Boomer look like he needs a haircut? I thought so too so we took him to the groomer and she introduced us to what is called the "Puppy cut". She said it would help him stay cool during the summer and to prevent burrs from clinging to his fur. It would also be less brushing for me- which we are used to doing on a daily basis so we decided to try it. Take a look!

Holy smokes! What kind of dog is that? An Old English sheepdog or a poodle? As you can see Nick was just as surprised as the rest of us.

After a day like Boomer had he was in need of a drink!

This is Boomer in the camper. He has claimed the couch as his spot.
Does he look just plain silly or what?

He does look cute close up but we can't decide if his ears make him look Dutch or Amish.
What do you think?


  1. That's a Dutch boy haircut all the way!

  2. That is one funny looking Old English Sheep Dog! He does look a little poodle-ish! But I can sure understand trying to keep him cool for the summer. So he's just going to have to deal with the other dogs making fun of his hair cut! Either way, he's still pretty cute. :)

  3. I LOVE that first picture! Boomer looks awesome like that, but I totally get wanting to able to breathe in the summer. :)
