Sunday, January 16, 2011


Just wanted you to know that we are still enjoying our snow shoes! Now that there is finally enough snow to use them that is.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Learning to Quilt

So... since I have been known to be somewhat crafty with smaller projects (right Mom?) I decided it was time to learn how to make something that might be around for awhile.
I am not a knitter, nor am I interested in being one, so I decided that trying quilting would be cool. You know you're old(er) when quilting is cool. Anyway there was a class being taught locally so I signed up. After the first few classes I decided that this was something I could do and I asked Nick for an early Christmas present- a sewing machine. This one has all the bells and whistles needed for quilting- start to finish. Cool, huh?

This is probably hard to see but it is the first pattern I am learning- it is called "split rail".

This is the mat you cut fabric on. It provides multiple measurements and is cut proof- even with the sharp razor edge.

That is the razor you cut fabric with (also known as a rotary tool) and a ruler that provides more measurements and a straight edge for cutting with the razor. No scissors needed for this type of quilting!

This is 4 pieces of fabric sewn together with 1/4 inch seams. This is the back side. It is called strip piecing- or if you are saying it too fast as I have done in the past strip teasing- LOL. Every time you finish a piece like this they all need to be ironed. There is a LOT of ironing involved in quilting. That's the part I would be happy to skip. BUT my instructor is teaching me the right way so....... I iron.

This is after ironing- back side again.

And this is the front side of it after the strip piecing has been cut into 8x8 subsectioned pieces and then sewn together again- see how the blocks are going in different directions now?

More ironing after those sections are sewn together.

Then you sew all of those pieces together and guess what- iron it again! Looks like Boomer was taking credit for making this quilt! Hmm..

But it is all mine. Look at the maroon and the darkest green- see the steps the patterns makes- thats split rail.

I still have to make the border, add the batting, and do the backing but due to winter weather and holidays quilting class has been on hold. I don't know enough about it to try it on my own.
And that is why I will be taking a trip to JoAnns soon. I will pick out new fabrics to start a new quilt with the same pattern but different colors. By the time I have that together quilting classes should be going again and I can learn the rest of the process. Cool, huh?
Thanks again for all the JoAnns gifts cards for my bday! More quilting to come........